Friday, April 22, 2011

It's doing it again!

I walked by the Christmas Cactus this morning, and noticed it had about 8 blooms on it!  Most of them have already passed, but one was worthy of a pic or two!  So, as I'm keeping count did a full bloom  November 29, a partial bloom on February 27.....and now a smidge of a bloom on April 22.  Sheesh!  This little guy just wants to go go go!  Love that!

Hubby brought me breakfast in bed this morning.....eggs, bacon, toast and coffee!  Yum!  He's a keeper!

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!



  1. Do you talk to this cactus?
    So nice of your husband - what a treat!

  2. Breakfast in bed and a blooming cactus!! You must be doing something right!
